Would you be so kind as to present a left-leaning news story to counter the right-leaning one you've presented here? Just for equal time.
You know, to have an ACTUAL conversation
Oh, and random hit...please get back to the thread you 've been avoiding where you maintained the IRS plane crasher was a left-wing act of terrorism. You are still due a humilating butt-paddling over that silly, silly mistake! We were wondering where you'd gotten off to...
Logical points for those who feast on right-wing regurgitation, perhaps.
Your cadre is not as numerous as you've deluded yourself to believe. And nowhere near as intellectual as you'd prefer they were! *cough* infidel *cough cough*
So, no "equal time", just more of this "I know you are, but what am I" immaturity? Priceless.
Still waiting for you to come get paddled in that other thread.
This is what the slaughter solution is.
Whenever you set up a meeting to vote on bills you have to set a bunch of guidelines, like how long it will be, what your going to do, the basis on what your going to do.... all kinds of crap... What slaughter wants to do is to have the meeting set up "assuming" the fictional (as of now) obamma care bill was passed then vote on things that dont exist but would if it where passed as a way to illegally get the bill shoe horned into law and then they can iron out the wrinkles later.
What they are trying to do is unconstitutional and actually highly illegal and so far out there that its mind boggling.
We didnt pass the bill yet but lets pretend we did and implement policy anyway?