I didn't really have an agenda for this post but with the Obamanation racking up debt at a billion $1,000,000,000 an HOUR, and GM now being Government motors and my rights as a citizen in CT being killed by my atty general, I just have no recourse but the war forum. I invite thoughts on this and provide a link to check out to see what I mean about CT.
For teh record I have worked with both of Blumenthals sons so I do have a personal tie to this.
So your rights in CT are being killed because Blumenthal is going after the AIG bonuses? Did you work for AIG and get one of those bonuses? While I am semi-torn about people doing such actions, I fail to see how that effects you directly.
The very same politicians who put the loopholes in the bill, that allowed AIG to get the bonuses, are now stamping and screaming about it. Guess the idiots should've read what they were voting on before they voted on it.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
If you have been in CT for 20+ years and seen all te things the satte goes after and enforces it is terrible. If you followed the link that I improperly pasted you can see teh man in action. Nothign they do here has any basis on reality and teh second they are asked for a fact they fold like a cheap tent.
look up Glenn beck and blumenthal on youtube if you want the video in its original form
If I had this idiot as an AG Id leave the state! My god what a complete idiot!!
Beck and CT AG
]:-> ]:-> ]:-> ]:-> ]:-> ]:-> ]:->
I leave this saturday actually, moving to PA
themarin8r wrote:So your rights in CT are being killed because Blumenthal is going after the AIG bonuses? Did you work for AIG and get one of those bonuses? While I am semi-torn about people doing such actions, I fail to see how that effects you directly.
well, for starters, they were not bonuses....they were deferred payment.
I think the point is how he is the Attorney General. The AG's job is to help enforce the law. I'd love for someone to show what law it is these people broke. Going after these peoples money that was signed into a contract by OUR government with no laws being broken is ridiculous.
I love all the whining about Democrats. You should of been whining when Bush and the Republican congress blew the deficit wide open themselves and introduced "big government conservatism" without laughing. Then maybe the country could take you seriously when you claim to be "fiscal conservatives" right now. The phrase fiscal conservative is an oxymoron now.
NOW you wanna get all righteous?!! I've been posting in this forum for like THREE YEARS, blasting away at Bush and the Repub congress for not acting like true conservatives and all I got was sh!t from people like ScottAWhite calling me liberal just because I wasn't in lockstep with Bush.
Repubs had six full years to get what they wanted done and they failed miserably.
World love him...
Whats his middle name again?
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
That's your retort? LOL Good one. You and Pee-Wee Herman develop them as a team?
Just stating that you made me LOL.
thats it and DATS all.
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
So you're laughing because it's brutally true?
His middle name really is hussein!
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
And, my middle name is Jesus. So by your logic... . oh my ... I KNEW IT!! I AM THE ONE!
Quiklilcav wrote:
So you're another one to start justifying what's being done now with the first grade excuse of "he did it too"?
Wrong. Dead wrong. I'm saying the Republicans drove the country into the arms on a man they are deathly scared of. It's their fault. Had they not done such a TERRIBLE job when they had the ball, they'd still have the ball. They turned the ball over on downs on fourth and long. The Republicans defense now? Obstructionism and offer no alternatives. So the Democrats are marching down the field.
Quiklilcav wrote:
you can't possibly make a solid argument for his behaviour.
Did I? Did I make an argument for his behavior? Nope, I didn't. You think I did just because I attacked the Republicans. Which goes to show your blinders are on and you're more loyal to the party than you are to independent thought. I'm glad the grand ol party isn't blind to their screw ups and have come to terms with it. Maybe NEXT TIME they'll govern via using their OWN PRINCIPLES.
Quiklilcav wrote:
I laughed at your post in the floods thread trying to diminish the problems in Iowa. You obviously felt the need to insult someone, so you posted sh!t that missed the point entirely.
I didn't miss anything. You face palmed yourself because I reposted someone else's post and one point out of 20 wasn't wrong? It wasn't even my point. But like most ideologues, you go for the one board in the fence that could use some more nails to claim the whole fence needs to be redone. Good luck with that.
AGuSTiN wrote:And, my middle name is Jesus. So by your logic... . oh my ... I KNEW IT!! I AM THE ONE!
No, for some reason "you people" think your kids are, that's why you name them such.
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
"You people"? Say that was a joke.
Learned that from Mencia.(great guy by the way)
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
No, he's not that great. I've met him, had beers with him. He's kind of a dick actually. I've got pictures if you'd like to see.
So now you see why we got alone?
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
i think your full of @!#$ as usual

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Rodimus Prime wrote:i think your full of @!#$ as usual
This seems to be your only argument with no proof to back it up.