For those not in the loop..
Honestly, I'm really having a hard time caring anymore. Why don't Sharpton and Jackson spend some time looking inward? I've heard and hear far worse from black people talking about each other all the time. The degrading of black women is the MOST prevelant thing they do to themselves, too.
I'm NOT saying I think all, most or even half of black men do it. I really don't know how many do it.
I do know that at LEAST some do it and hardly anyone says or does anything about it. That's why I'm having a hard time caring.
idk i love Don Imus. I used to listen to his show every morning on WFAN. He gets on peoples cases all the time. Even the guests that come on the show. I like how he mumbles names to them. As for the comments last week, what he did was wrong and he knows it. For sharpton to sit there and pick at him is just ruthless. Sharpton is hated by all my black friends. Couple of my friends actually got a kick out of Don's comments about the Rutger girls team. So i dont think Sharpton speaks for everyone in his race.
<img src="">
Neither Al Sharpton nor Jesse Jackson can be considered very pure. At best they've said extremely stupid things and at worst they're both anti-semites. Consider this from Sharpton:
Sharpton delivered the eulogy at the funeral of Gavin Cato, a black boy from Crown Heights who was killed when a car in a Hasidic rabbi's motorcade accidentally veered off the road and hit him. In retaliation, a gang of black youths stabbed a rabbinical student to death, and black-Jewish tensions ran high. Sharpton said of Cato's death: "The world will tell us he was killed by accident. Yes, it was a social accident. ... It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights. ... Talk about how Oppenheimer in South Africa sends diamonds straight to Tel Aviv and deals with the diamond merchants right here in Crown Heights. The issue is not anti-Semitism; the issue is apartheid. ... All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise, no meetings, no kaffe klatsch, no skinnin' and grinnin'. Pay for your deeds." Or take Jackson's own nasty faux-pas
Rev. Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in January 1984 during a conversation with a black Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman. Jackson had assumed the references would not be printed because of his racial bond with Coleman, but several weeks later Coleman permitted the slurs to be included far down in an article by another Post reporter on Jackson's rocky relations with American Jews.
A storm of protest erupted, and Jackson at first denied the remarks, then accused Jews of conspiring to defeat him. The Nation of Islam's radical leader Louis Farrakhan, an aggressive anti-Semite and old Jackson ally, made a difficult situation worse by threatening Coleman in a radio broadcast and issuing a public warning to Jews, made in Jackson's presence: "If you harm this brother [Jackson], it will be the last one you harm."
Finally, Jackson doused the fires in late February with an emotional speech admitting guilt and seeking atonement before national Jewish leaders in a Manchester, New Hampshire synagogue. Yet Jackson refused to denounce Farrakhan, and lingering, deeply rooted suspicions have led to an enduring split between Jackson and many Jews. The frenzy also heightened tensions between Jackson and the mostly white establishment press.
Both Jackson and Sharpton have apologized for such remarks, but you'll notice that no one (except me) busts their balls about it anymore because people have accepted their apology. Imus is an a**hole and he put his foot in his mouth. I don't like him and I'm half hoping they'll fire him because that would amuse me. At the same time, I find it repellant that either Jackson or Sharpton feel that they're in any kind of position to speak out about bigotry. It'd be like Bill Clinton talking about the evils of adultery.
I agree AGuSTiN, the first time I heard him say, I thought he was trying to sound like a rapper.....
Sharpton doesn't speak for all blacks, but Imus had to know what he was getting into going on his show asking for forgiveness...
If he didn't, he's an incredible moron, more than I give most talk-show-hosts credit for.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
get over it....geeez
I ain't callin u a gold digga,but you ain't messin wit a broke cracka
You guys just don't get it do you? This was a nationally sydicated broadcast that called the entire team "nappy-headed hos". To the whole country and then some.. How would you feel if you, or your siuster were on that team. Without the racism, we are still left with sexism. That is terribly irresponsible, unjust, and hurtful. They fought hard but lost and for that they are termed "hos"? Really? What kind of sports-caster uses terms like that to describe an athelete to the nation? On top of that the guy is also racist about it.
That is piss poor journalism and if he worked for me, he'd be out of a job. That crap doesn't belong anywhere, especially the national airwaves.
PS: This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated
- Mitch Hedberg (RIP)
I do get it. Here's an excellent article on what I get...
We can’t win the war over verbal disrespect and racism when we have so obviously and blatantly surrendered the moral high ground on the issue. Jesse and Al might win the battle with Imus and get him fired or severely neutered. But the war? We don’t stand a chance in the war. Not when everybody knows “nappy-headed ho’s” is a compliment compared to what we allow black rap artists to say about black women on a daily basis.
Who really cares? As far as I'm concerned this falls under 1st amendment "freedom of speech". The media blowing everything up, must be a slow news week...
AGuSTiN wrote:I do get it. Here's an excellent article on what I get...
We can’t win the war over verbal disrespect and racism when we have so obviously and blatantly surrendered the moral high ground on the issue. Jesse and Al might win the battle with Imus and get him fired or severely neutered. But the war? We don’t stand a chance in the war. Not when everybody knows “nappy-headed ho’s” is a compliment compared to what we allow black rap artists to say about black women on a daily basis.
I see your point, but all wars are fought one battle at a time. That kind of crap doesn't belong anywhere. AT least with rap artists etc that is what people bought and paid for. People who just wanted to enjoy some basketball were not expecting that.. I'm willing to bet anyway.
So I guess it begs the question "Is it art?"
PS: This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated
- Mitch Hedberg (RIP)
Didnt even notice you posted this...hmm im loosing my mind..
Anyways, were having a good ole talk about it in OT.
Redgote he was fired only from the TV show, not his radio show. So im sure he will be fine, but yeah that sucks..
Hahaha, people watch his show because they enjoy it...Its not like he said it at the basketball game to unsuspecting fans. Nappy Headed is not that racist.
To call him racist is bull @!#$ because you don't know jack about him. I think what he was basically trying to say is "look at how rough these girls are compared to the other team" I mean that was exactly what he was trying to say and just chose really poor wording for it.
nah dood he was just fired from his radio show, too. Look at the news.
Wow, as of yesterday it was just the MSNBC show...
Anyways, that was a great artical you posted. 1. The guy is very inteligent(i started browsing through some of his other works)
2. I love it when the people who are supposed to be offended are the ones telling us its not a big deal..
honestly, I think the "ho" part is the bigger issue.
it's completely disrespectful to the players, regardless of how the "fans" feel.
PS: This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated
- Mitch Hedberg (RIP)
that chic looks like wesley snipes with long hair and glasses
Why insult Wesley Snipes like that?
“Please do not be cynical. I hate cynicism. Nobody gets in life exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard, and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.” Conan O'Brien
Real nice....
I honestly thought it was supposed to be about the game. Silly me.
PS: This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated
- Mitch Hedberg (RIP)
Somebody called someone a name, and they demanded an apology? What is this, kindergarten?
Yeah... because everything you really need to know in life you learn before you're 6.
At least he isn't getting sued.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Sued for what? He didn't say anything he could get sued over!
AGuSTiN wrote:Sued for what? He didn't say anything he could get sued over!
and i dont think he said anything he should be fired for, but he was fired. they'll probably try to sue him due to mental anguish or something, who knows.
Agustin: Sued? Defamation?
Someone feels they've been infringed on, they'll find a way to profit off of it. The Joys of a litigious society.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.