Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Politics and War Forum

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Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006 8:50 PM on
It still boggles my mind that in this country it is legal to drive a bar/club drink till your pissy drunk.................then get on the road and kill someone but yet weed is illegal to have??? IMO alcohol is at least 100% worse to society than weed. The reason I think so......

How many people get killed every year on the road by many by stoners?

How many families are destroyed because of alcoholic many by weed smokers?

The list goes on and on but you get the why is weed still illegal but alcohol isn't? I really challenge someone to argue against this one.

The reason I think it isn't legal is because people can easily grow marijuana as opposed to making a consistant tasting alcohol. This is why they can tax alcohol but if they made weed legal they wouldn't be able to control the consumers ability to grown their own weed. Why buy it when you can grow it?? So if you can't tax it and make $$$ off of it lets just keep it illegal.

Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006 9:13 PM on

they wouldn't be able to control the consumers ability to grown their own weed.

That's it right there.

Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006 9:21 PM on
They messed up when they let alcohol become legal again. Also they cant make it Illegal now to much oposition so why make the mistake twice by making Pot Legal?

(Insert really cool picture of my car with some catchy name or slogan here)
Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006 9:27 PM on
u've never heard of anyone ODing on weed....ive jsut always wanted to state that

alcohol is legal cause life was founded on it. Weed isnt legal cause it can be tainted. so can alcohol but not as easily

I may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006 9:30 PM on
Ok, make alcohol illegal cause it is worse than pot......then make pot legal. Then we cut our problems in half!!! I don't smoke pot now because I have responsibilites like house and wife so I cant afford to lose my job over pot. if it were legal though I would be using on occasion.
Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006 11:00 PM on
Machzel08 wrote:u've never heard of anyone ODing on weed....ive jsut always wanted to state that

alcohol is legal cause life was founded on it. Weed isnt legal cause it can be tainted. so can alcohol but not as easily

Tru Dat

The reason may or may not be the legal issue. But the government labels marajuana as a "gateway" drug.

Alchol has been around for over 5000 years...marajuana? 200? 300? Sure some indiginous tribes smoked it, but it was not as widly spread as alchol.

Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 1:27 AM on
Bud Light FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 4:25 AM on
Wiezer Walley wrote:It still boggles my mind that in this country it is legal to drive a bar/club drink till your pissy drunk.................then get on the road and kill someone

last time i checked that wasnt legal

Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 4:56 AM on
Smus ran out of posts wrote:

The reason may or may not be the legal issue. But the government labels marajuana as a "gateway" drug.

Alchol has been around for over 5000 years...marajuana? 200? 300? Sure some indiginous tribes smoked it, but it was not as widly spread as alchol.

So untrue. Cannabis (let's not call it Marajuanna because that was slang used to defame Mexicans during the Spanish American War) use has been around for at least 3000 years if not more. It is/was a food source (seed) as well as a fibre source for textiles. In ancient Egypt it was made into hashish and used as inscense. The oil from the seed can be made into a great many things that petrolium is used for today. Hemp is an extremely valuable industrial product.

Recreational smoking of "Sativas" (drug bearring Canabis, not the distiction between Sativa and Indica) has been around for thousands of years also. Mainly in the east and the middle east. The Bible records in Exodus a recipe give to Moses for an anoiting oil that contains huge amounts of canabis. (the name itself dates back to at least the Roman empire).

There are some issues preventing legalisation, not least of wich is an accurate roadside test for impared drivers. Although studies have shown that canabis impared drivers are very safe (due to some mild paranoia) that may only be because it is illegal, if it were legal would they be so careful? I don't think anyone would support the idea that a it's ok to drive while impared by any substance.

Keep in mind that it was legal until the tarrifs against Japanese hemp in 1938 as a pre-cursor to war with Japan.

There is some evidence that George Washington grew both hemp and recreational canabis.

It grows wild in almost every nation on Earth and has amazing adapability. We could learn from that.
It contains extremely complexe compounds that do a wide variety of things ranging from anti-pain, anti-nausia drugs to vascular expansion in the eyes increasing oxygen flow and helping to prevent glacoma.
It has medical drawbacks as well. Smoking of any substance is bad for your lungs, but canabis does not have to be smoked to be effective. Oral consumption greatly reduces the negative health effects.

It is very likely that almost every Biblical figure (including Jesus) had contact with canabis extractions in fragrant oils and processed canabis in the form of inscense.

Canabis grows out the dirt, and can be used as is. Alcohol is a bacterial waste product.

Alcohol can kill far more easily than canabis, and it does.

A huge portion of the population already uses canabis, default criminals. If we caught and jailed every one who uses canabis thered be a huge gap in the workforce.

It cannot be stopped, like I said, it grows wild in almost every climate.

Kepping it illegal creates a huge underground economy. The money ends up in the hands of criminals involved in things much worse. It funds criminal activity. It is cheap to grow and demands a high price in the underground economy allowing otherwise unresourceful people to purchase weapons and other devices enabling criminal activity on a much larger scale. Want to shut the bikers down? Take away their market (or a big junk of it), sell pot in liquor stores.

Pot smokers are not violent in general. Alcoholics are, in general.
Canabis has no physically addictive properties. Yes people can be addicted but if they are isolated from canabis it will not make them sick. Alcoholics have this problem, not as bad are opiate users, but it's there.

There are over 180 000 people in jail in the US for simple posession. Their biggest crime was having canabis on their person or in their home. That's terrible.

Is it perfect? No. Can it be stopped? No. Legalizing it would remove money from criminals and could become a very nice tax revenue for our governments. It does not kill (the lethal does is so high it's unachievable). It can be used without any processing at all if desired.

While people could grow their own and remove the gov. from the picture, they won't. Not too many growing tobacco for personal use is there? Heck, people harly grow garden vegetables let alone drug crops.

I'm sure there's more argument, but this is just off the top of my head. Remember the reasons for making it illegal were entirely political and had nothing to do with public health or productivity. By making canabis illegal they also made hemp illegal. Hemp is extremely useful and low cost.

Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 8:38 AM on
Its nice to see that some cities and/or towns are starting to legalize it for personal use. I see no problem with marjiuana. Like stated many times before, the "bad" after effects are far far less than those of alcohol. Now I agree that you should not be allowed to drive while under the influence, granted I do now, but as also stated above, those who drive while under the influence tend to be much better drivers. They have a slight sense of paranoia and therefore are more cautious of their surrroundings and actions. I think that the only reason that it is still illegal and more than likely (tho unfortunately) will stay illegal for some time is the simple fact that the gov't has wasted soo much money fighting it. What do you think the general publi would say if it was legalized? The first thing out of their mouths would be why did we (the gov't) spend all that money fighting it just to make it legal. As far as people growing it themselves, yes some would. I know i would. But for the social of occansional user, they would just go to the gas station or state store and buy their bud from the gov't.
The simple fact that criminals would lose revenue from the legalization would be a great benefit. It would also open up prison space. I think that putting someone in prison for simple possession is !!
The effects of alcohol are far less predictable and controllable. When someone gets drunk they can go from sober wo wasted in .5 secs. Also their actions become hard to control. They get rowdy and uncontrollable. In my experiences, those who get stoned do so in a controlled manner and are usually somber when under the influence. Granted, like alcohol, everyones tolerance level is different, but there is no OD. The worse that i have seen happen is someone (myself included) smokes so much that they simply pass out. Then wake up with no hanger or any other harmful side effects.
All in all, I believe that marijuana should be legal. Without even taking alcohol into consideration, marijuana should be legal. People dont get high then go on killin sprees like some people think they. "Potheads" arent evil criminals. They are normal people who like to relax and have fun. Smoking a bowl after work calms me down and lets me go on with my day. Its a way to relax and get away from things.

Please dont look down on me for being a user. I still go to work everyday. I dont wreck my car while under the influence. I dont kill people or steal things. I dont use every drug under the sun just b.c i smoke pot. I believe that the biggest misconception about marijuana is that people think its a gateway drug. I call !!!! I know many people who only use marijuana and have never thought of using other things. Its just another way for the uptight PC crowed to get more un- or under- educated people on their side.

So before you go saying the pot should be illegal and that its a horrible gateway drug, sit down and smoke a bowl. Tell me what you think. Then tell me a legitamate reason as to why it should still be illegal.


Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 8:45 AM on
When amendment 44 passes here today in Colorado, you can all come here and blaze with me in peace

Decriminalization FTW!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, November 07, 2006 8:47 AM

Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 8:51 AM on
One correction. Alchohol, the kind we drink, is a fungal waste product, not bacterial. You're thinking yogurt.

Other than that, fire up the old movie "Reefer Madness" for some good laughs.

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 8:57 AM on
this is all in need: The streets "the irony of it all"

Hello, Hello. My names Terry and I'm a law abider
There's nothing I like more than getting fired up on beer
And when the weekends here I to exercise my right to get paralytic and fight
Good bloke fairly
But I get well leery when geezers look at me funny
Bounce 'em round like bunnies
I'm likely to cause mischief
Good clean grief you must believe and I ain't no thief.
Law abiding and all, all legal.
And who cares about my liver when it feels good
Wwhat you need is some real manhood.
Rasher Rasher Barney and Kasha putting peoples backs up.
Public disorder, I'll give you public disorder.
I down eight pints and run all over the place
Spit in the face of an officer
See if that bothers you cause I never broke a law in my life
Someday I'm gonna settle down with a wife
Come on lads lets have another fight

Eh hello. My names Tim and I'm a criminal,
In the eyes of society I need to be in jail
For the choice of herbs I inhale.
This ain't no wholesale operation
Just a few eighths and some Playstations my's vocation
I pose a threat to the nation
And down the station the police hold no patience
Let's talk space and time
I like to get deep sometimes and think about Einstein
And Carl Jung And old Kung Fu movies I like to see
Pass the hydrator please
Yeah I'm floating on thin air.
Going to Amsterdam in the New Year - top gear there
Cause I taker pride in my hobby
Home made bongs using my engineering degree
Dear Leaders, please legalise weed for these reasons.

Like I was saying to him.
I told him: "Top with me and you won't leave."
So I smacked him in the head and downed another Carling
Bada Bada Bing for the lad's night.
Mad fight, his face's a sad sight.
Vodka and Snake Bite.
Going on like a right geez, he's a twat,
Shouldn't have looked at me like that.
Anyway I'm an upstanding citizen
If a war came along I'd be on the front line with em.
Can't stand crime either them hooligans on heroin.
Drugs and criminals those thugs on the penny coloured will be the downfall of society
I've got all the anger pent up inside of me.

You know I don't see why I should be the criminal
How can something with no recorded fatalities be illegal
And how many deaths are there per year from alcohol
I just completed Gran Tourismo on the hardest setting
We pose no threat on my settee
Ooh the pizza's here will someone let him in please
"We didn't order chicken, Not a problem we'll pick it out
I doubt they meant to mess us about
After all we're all adults not louts."
As I was saying, we're friendly peaceful people
We're not the ones out there causing trouble.
We just sit in this hazy bubble with our quarters
Discussing how beautiful Gail Porter is.
MTV, BBC 2, Channel 4 is on until six in the morning.
Then at six in the morning the sun dawns and it's my bedtime.

Causing trouble, your stinking rabble
Boys saying I'm the lad who's spoiling it
You're on drugs it really bugs me when people try and tell me I'm a thug
Just for getting drunk
I like getting drunk
Cause I'm an upstanding citizen
If a war came along I'd be on the front line with em.

Now Terry you're repeating yourself
But that's okay drunk people can't help that.
A chemical reaction inside your brain causes you to forget what you're saying.

What. I know exactly what I'm saying
I'm perfectly sane
You stinking student lameo
Go get a job and stop robbing us of our taxes.

Err, well actually according to research
Government funding for further education pales in insignificance
When compared to how much they spend on repairing
Leery drunk people at the weekend
In casualty wards all over the land.

Why you cheeky little swine come here
I'm gonna batter you. Come here.

member nejbody
Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 9:19 AM on
boy making weed legal shure would be love to just be able to sit back with some friends , toke it up a little..order some pizza and play a video game...

i bet we could start getting out of debt with the taxes from weed purchases
Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 9:29 AM on
the revenue they would make from people buying weed would be huge. Granted they would tax the hell outta it but still chances are it'd still be cheaper than what people are paying now. Plus it'd be nice if when i went to get a blunt, i'd be able to get a blunt and have it already rolled for me

Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 9:34 AM on
Big Boi wrote:When amendment 44 passes here today in Colorado, you can all come here and blaze with me in peace

Decriminalization FTW!!!

no carbs

Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 9:58 AM on
LiquidFireCavy (mdk) wrote:the revenue they would make from people buying weed would be huge. Granted they would tax the hell outta it but still chances are it'd still be cheaper than what people are paying now. Plus it'd be nice if when i went to get a blunt, i'd be able to get a blunt and have it already rolled for me

Colorado will be selling it at state run business that tax it and everything, its gonna be a HUGE revenue boost imho

Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 10:10 AM on
Ok i agree in a way with what most of you peopel are saying..i personally dont use drugs or really drink at all..and for the most part you are right..pot is not a big deal and verylitle bad comes of it..but look at the numbers of peopel that smoke pot versus the number that drink....thats a large differnce. It seems alot of people on here are more responsible wen they toke then the ones i know...most peopel i know get high and like to go @!#$ @!#$ up....and they do it cause hey dont care..usually cause they are high. And yes..most likely youll get the same reactions when they are drunk. As for gateway drug think about it. If you had never tried pot..would you do it? Would you like the feeling of bieng high? prolly not. I think that people that are high are more open to sujestions...much like alcohol. Also there is people that like to push the hey if this high is about this one..ect ect..this is just a generalization but still think openly about it. As for peopel high and being better divers..your wrong..your tryign to say your reaction time is better high then sober..give me abreak...ive been high..just my 0.2 be pissed if it were legal..phil
Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 10:20 AM on
why would you be pissed if it were legal?
the jails wouldnt be crowded with people who were charged with possession = less tax money wasted on keeping them in jail
revenue would be genereated from the sale and taxation of marijuana = more money for gov't to use for other things
cops would be able to focus more of there time on real threats and not worry about "stoners" = less crime
criminals would lose money from not being able to sell weed (cuz who would buy it illegally when its legal) = again less crime
they only disadvantage i could forsee is more people driving impaired, but if they are serious about legalizing it they could come up with some sort of sobriety test and legal limit, tho both could be faked just like people can act sober now
you are entitled to your opinion but why do you feel that way? just because its illegal now you think it should always be? bull! Slavery use to be legal, now its not. If everything stayed the way it was just cuz thats how it was we would never advance as a soceity as a whole.
Other countries have legal limits and use of marijuana and it works for them. Why cant it work for us?
It seems to me that as "The Land of the Free" we have a lot less freedoms then some other countires and to me thats pure . Everything is being censored these days because somebody has their panties in a bunch over stupid schitte.

Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 10:25 AM on
I read somewhere....don't remember.....I seen the statistics of cannibas seizure and destruction. The largest percent of destroyed was stuff that was growing in the wild. I think North Carolina was the largest gross of destroyed wild crop. Followed by some mid western states like Iowa and Nebraska.

Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 10:27 AM on
^^ see we're wasting money destroying it when we could be making money by selling it
another loss for the US Gov't

Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 11:31 AM on
Hmm well i guess it is abit diff in canada then in the states. Ours rarley grows "wild". I dont care about how it used to be or how it can be....I persoanlly think its stupid to justify bringing a toxic substance on the "market" simply for monetary gain. Yes we waste alot of money on enforcing the laws but i highly doubt making it readily available is a solution to the the problem...might as well make everything legal since we can make money off it..and im not for either alcohol/drugs/ or tabaccoo its all bad for us. But look at the money being spent for health care and such for alcohol and tobacoo...why add another problem to the mix...
Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 12:12 PM on

member nejbody
Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 3:28 PM on
Wiezer Walley wrote:It still boggles my mind that in this country it is legal to drive a bar/club drink till your pissy drunk.................then get on the road and kill someone

Call me crazy, but that isn't legal.

I seem to remember Driving Under the Influence/Driving While Intoxicated laws that every state has... hrmm...

Am I taking crazy pills here?

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.

Re: Marijuana vs Alcohol.....fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 3:59 PM on
A study in New Zealand showed decreased accident rates amung people who were impared by canabis. They were trying to prove how dangerous it was and it totally backfired. The accidents that did involve canabis users ended up showing the other driver was at fault 9 out of 10 times. Funny, but true. Look it up.

That does not mean I'd advocate for endulging and driving at all. It's simply to point out that THC is a very misunderstood drug.

I have a friend with AIDS. His T-cell count went from 100 (almost dead) to over 400 when he started daily THC therapy. (normal is about 1000). Now he can work again, and have an almost normal life. Yes, he still takes a drug cocktail every day, but he has been relatively healthy for 15 years. He was diagnosed in 1985 and I taled to him today, he doing well.

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