I think we all know the controversy that lives in an unstable country such as Iran when nuclear armament will leave outsiders unclear in to what they may possess with materials such as these. Do you believe, we as the United States are blowing their attainment of armament of nuclear materials out of proportion or what? Please let me know the in's and out's of what will come about, after bombing of strategic sites will do in the world. I personally believe Israel will do the job. A case may be made for a lot things to happen to Iran. What do you think? Don't dig too deep into if you think they have the right to possess nuclear weapons. Since we don't know if they would be responsible with those materials, we must be left to assume something has to happen. <><
Smile, Jesus loves you!!!!! <><
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If bombs started landing inside Iran, you can be fairly assured:
1: There will not be a soveriegn state of Israel for very long. ( or none worth speaking of)
2: Iraq will become a larger portion of Iran and other neighbouring nations due to the fact that the border is non-existant, and there is NO border patrol that can contain an assault.
3: Islamic countries with nuclear capacity (like Syria, Egypt, etc...) are going to feel MIGHTY pressured to comply or fight back... It doesn't take a Krescan to figure out what they'll do.
Iran has a larger and well armed military and a navy that would be enough of a threat that any single nation (including the US) would do well to plan out VERY carefully their moves. Also, the simple fact that they *might* have some sort of nuclear capacity would give anyone pause. Iran has cruise missiles, F-15's, and possibly longer range ballistic missiles to go along with the nuclear ability.
I wouldn't worry about the suitcase/velise bombs... I'd worry about all the souls that would be cooked in the aircraft carriers and assault ships.
The *THREAT* of nuclear capacity is enough to radically alter the situation. It's one of the reasons the US doesn't know what to do with North Korea, Pakistan, India, Syria, and a handful of former soviet republics.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
If we start bombing Iran, my guess is that we will have begun WWIII. Iran will not be able to fully develop a nuclear weapon for a good six years at least. There's no reason for us to be even talking about bombing them. Diplomacy is a far better solution, one which doesn't include the death of thousands of people. However, if "strategic" bombing does take place, realize that Israel will quickly be destroyed, then you have the Palestinians who will quickly move in once Israel is in turmoil. Iran is not another Iraq. They don't just have a couple tanks and a rather measily army. We're talking about one of the most westernized countries in the Middle East. One with a pretty impressive military and as Gam stated, missles and planes. Bomb Iran and watch the Middle East erupt into turmoil and watch as the rest of the world gets sucked in as well.
well last i read on intel is they could have nuclear weapons in less then six years. I would say America wold do best to try to stay out for the time being. We will diffenatly need a strategic plan to go up against Iran their key points that would be attacked are protected by Ground to Air Missles waiting for any strike plan thats no theirs to blow out of the sky so your already looking at america having to be the first to go in with B-2 and f117a aircraft to get passed the radar. I think America should looki more into convincing the youth of Iran to stand up against their leader.
I agree and disagree with what is said:
Going to war with Iran would be a huge mistake and would probably lead to the next world war. Iran has ties to several powerful countries (China, Russia included) and these nations have said that they will not support action against Iran. The fact that Israel is closely tied with America will also turn the entire MidEast against the US (if they arent already!). Israel will be attacked by every nation in the area, although they will msot likely beat them down just like they did since Israel was formed... Isael is one hard nut to crack and would be a match for any Arab army. The U.S. would face sanctions or embargos if it went all rougue into Iran and the US economy, as well as gas prices, would be terrible. All in all, the war would ruin America and the world.
Militarily, the Iranian military is NO MATCH for the US military. The US army would not mobilize 100K soldiers and march into Iran, it would soften them up first and possible wiat for Iran to make the first move. The Iranian Air Force would be knocked out in the first few days. Stealth fighters and bombers would knock out the radar and SAM defense network, essentially immobilizing the air defense ability for Iranian targets. The Iranian airforce, with mostly 60's and 70's jet aircraft, would be destroyed before it could launch offensive missions. They would be knocked out on the ground and the rest would be shot down by US F-15, 16, 18's. I wouldnt be surprised if the US suffered only a handful of losses to Iranian fighters and SAMs. The Iranians have no F-15s, just old F-14 Tomcats that are out of spare parts and lack AA Missiles. The F-14 is out of service in our own air force now! The Iranian navy with a few destroyers and subs would be destroyed on day one. There would be no delivery system for cruise missiles, anti-shipping missiles, or torpedos. The US Navy and Air force would conbtrol the region.
The only danger is the large and well-armed Iranian Army, but an air campaign like the one we waged against Iraq would do the most to destory equipment and morale. With their tanks and artillery knocked out without any ability for defense, the Iranian army would wilt on the vine. They may attempt a desperation attack against Iraq and Israel, but then our army would wipe them out in the desert with our Abrams tanks. The only war they could win is a guerilla style war, and after what happened in Iraq, I don't think even Bush is stupid enough to wander into another Vietnam-style war.
But forget it, because a war against Iran would be stupid both strategically, economically and politically.
Spitfire: You know that Iran has Russian and chinese made submarines, and their missile launching capabilities, right? These aren't loud clanky old diesel electrics, they're nuclear hunter/killers.
And the ground war in Iraq (as a parallel) is going oh so well.
The other thing you're forgetting: Iran hasn't had to go through a pummelling by the UN and face embargoes for the last 25 years. Iran would make Iraq look like a preferable war... also, given the fact that government is Shi'a and most of the population as well, well, you're not looking at divisions internally that would make the job of invasion any easier. Given that the Fedayeen Hussein brigades have mirror companies in Iran (just a lot more of them) any single country would do well to tread very gingerly when dealing with them.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Huh? Where did you find that?
Interest in the submarine sale was prompted by a September 24 report in the New York Times which said Russia is selling two or three diesel submarines to Iran with the first expected to be delivered shortly. The Times said senior Pentagon officials are worried the submarines will introduce a new threat to naval operations in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea, through which much of the world's oil is shipped.
Unnamed Defense Department officials cited in the Times report said the sale had been agreed upon prior to the breakup of the former Soviet Union and the Russian government has told the United States it was obliged to fulfill the contract.
The report described them as Kilo-class submarines, valued at about $250 million each. The submarines are said to be equipped with six tubes for firing torpedoes or laying mines.
The subs they have at the moment are Kilo-class diesel subs.... and they are noisy, old, and no match for US subs or anti-submarine weapons.
The Navy has three submarines, about 20 frigates and large patrol boats, plus some amphibious warfare and mine warfare vessels, and a lot of small, fast attack craft. The Revolutionary Guard, on the other hand, has hundreds (some estimates suggest thousands) of small fast attack craft, all under 20-meters and lightly armed.
yeah you could say the ground war is going so far but thats becuase og gorilla warfare. actually taking out iraq for america was pretty easy. we won the iraq war this is just the after math. samething happened in germany we won the ww2 war and even after they lost their were still lone nazi's doing gorrila tactics on allied troops then. (this is way off topic but thats history on that) i still stand on going to war with iran as of right now would not be on our best interest.
i dont know all the details like some of you guys, all i know is our armed forces could use a break before even thinking of jumping into somthing new
If we really wanted to...we could just nuke the piss out of every single threat
There...problem solved

Yes, we could do that. Though, the world would be a rather inhospitable place to live after that. What with all the nuclear weapons that would quickly be launched once we nuked Iran.
hows about we all just blow the world to hell and let god choose who was right and wrong eh?
i would just have to say that us would just nuke the hell out of iran if we went to war anyways
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Adam Asmus (the Burned One) wrote:If we really wanted to...we could just nuke the piss out of every single threat
There...problem solved
This is where I point to the topic of
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
03silverecocav (Gabe) wrote:hows about we all just blow the world to hell and let god choose who was right and wrong eh?
Aside from the obvious (assuming there is a God), You're also assuming that war decides who's right. It doesn't: war decides who's left.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
War decides whos week and who is strong. The week nations have always fallen to the stronger ones. Ah Darwin would love it ! Its been this way since the dawn of civilization and who are we to try and stop it.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
What civilization? you're talking about human beings for @!#$'s sake! Mentioning humans and civilization in the same breath is like mentioning Madonna and celibacy in the same breath--mucutally exclusive terms

Still, think about it...war doesn't decide who's right, war decides who's left.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Still, think about it...war doesn't decide who's right, war decides who's left.
kinda reminds me of Russia vs. Nazi Germany in WW2. Pick your poison. Both of those leaders were madmen who wanted to take over the world and also exterminated millions of innocents. Too bad we had to ally with one of them!
Alot of times in war it depends on what side of the fence you are on... to some of us, this War on Terror is "right"... on the other side, some Arabs think terrorism and fundamentalism is "right"... honestly, how do we know what type of war is "right"? lol
I never said anything about right or wrong I said strong. But your right Keeper civilization isn't very civilized is it?
Makes you wonder exactly how far we've really come since we were cavemen. Back then it was whoever had the biggest club now its not much different just the clubs have gotten fancier.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.