Hmm, Looks remarkably like a link to me but then I'm no expert. Perhaps we could get a mod to weigh in on this. I think its a link.
KIDDING ! At work and it wont play.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
There have been suspisions in that direction for years. I will not discuss it here though as far too many members here do not believe that people would conspire to achieve money or power. Never would people manipulate facts or sneek around to gain something, that's unheard of.
Secret societies aside, the human race is capable of just about anything. For those who think that conspiracies cannot happen because too many people would be involved, just remember over 3000 people worked on the Manhatten project and it never leaked.
Kennady had far too many enemies to point a finger in one direction though. One thing I'm sure of... Oswald was there, but he was not the shooter. I'm convinced of that.. Just too many things against the theory, and far too convienient that he never made it to trial. There is also the fact that he can be seen in the crowd, on street level as the motorcade drives by.
Question about the inverted cruciform: Wasn't St. Peter crucified upsidedown?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
kinda interesting. I've been reading up on the Masons, Freemasons, etc. all of our presidents, with the exception of 3 (or something close to that number) have been Masons.
many popular historical figures were Freemasons, Templar Knights, etc., like Christopher Columbus and Leonardo Da Vinci. it's not just in the states. I believe the Masons are extremely deep-rooted world-wide, and have been since the Preurie de Scion organized the Knights Templar ages ago.
Desert Tuners
“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”
personally I think human beings are too stupid to pull off a worldwide secret government without it aliens running a secret government.......thats another story
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
The free Masons started in medievel Italy.
JFK was the only Catholic president elected (Masons were excommunicated long ago), and was one of the non-mason presidents.
According to the Catholic church Peter was crusified upside down stating that "he was not worthy of a death like Jesus". I find it a bit difficult because crusifixion kills you only because your weight is on your arms (outwards) causing your chest to distend and breathing near impossible. It would not work the same way upside down and would take days to kill you as opposed to hours.
Look into the "Priori De Sion" if you want to see a secret society with a lot of famous names on the memberlist.
Then there is the far more current "Bohemian Grove" in Cali.
Have fun. It'll interest you simply in it's members.
OMG, the same basic geometric shapes have been used at different points through out history.... They have to be all from the same source!
Just a bunch of conspiracy nuts trying to link together anything that might fit.
Fact: The government keeps cutting edge technology for national security.
This one i actually believe. but where is the proof?
Fact: the government pulled patents of anybody with free energy invention. The inventors usually end up in prison. again, where is the proof? and if this happens so regulary, why hasn't one surfeced on the net yet? If i wanted to, i could get my message out to thousands of people within a few minutes.
Fact: some guy invented a wireless power plant in the early 1900. The government got in the way and a public model never came to be. Well, this one is believeable because they actually give names. And if i wasn't so lazy i would look him up. But if this was product that was so revolutionalry, why hasn't anyone duplicated his work? and why don't we see it today? (should be about as complexed as a high school science fair project)
Fact: Thirty years ago they were able to bug everyphone line for key words.
Again, where is the proof?
Promise that forever we will never get better at growing up and learning to lie
Hahaha: Upside down Crucifixion exerts all the pressure of your other organs on your pulmonary system. Your veins have kind of valving that prevents backwashing in the closed system, and depend on flow and gravity to keep them working. It's the head rush you get when you're upside down for too long. You'll generally see an embolysm in the brain, lungs, or heart after 1 hour of being upside down (I know that some Indian Yogis can perform things like standing on their heads for 8-9 hours, but there's something else at play there). Death will usually occur within 1-2 hours of most people.
Crucifixion (where the weight of the body borne up by the wrists) usually results in starvation/water deprivatio and exposure deaths. Usually the pulmonary system shuts down slowly, and the person dies of asphyxiation because the lungs are manipulated into an unnatural position for a prolonged time... basically, they're fully inflated when the body drops and the wrists stay put, and they never deflate to fully expel all the CO2 that's built up and has to cycle out. Death usually occurs within 3-5 days.
Niceguy: The US Gov't took all of Nikola Tesla's plans in addition to his patent submission when he created wireless power. The original design wasn't efficient, and in the old film reels he used to demonstrate the technology, he only pushed a small car about 8-10 feet off a table with the equivalent power of a current CB radio. He was originally working @ the first Niagara Falls power dams.
This is unprecedented because, after he submitted the patent (only to the US regrettably, he might have had better luck going to the British Patent office), he was asked for the sum total of his research materials, and they were never returned, and he died before the patent could be awarded him. GE Westinghouse had a competing idea but it was for long range radio transmissions, the wireless power would have interfered with that.
The Free power intiatives, I don't think so... People (until recently) have been broadly discredited... The original inventor of the solar cell was a NASA inventor that was discredited... He left NASA, developed a working prototype (actually there were 3 IIRC.. he had 3 patents registered at the same time in the US, Britain and Switzerland as I remember) and patented the invention, and has been getting royalty cheques in abundance from NASA and other space agencies because that's the principle long-term power collection unit that keeps all satellites and space stations powered.
The wire-tapping ability is part of the Echelon 1 project, and that is a figment of a lot of people's imaginations... there is no way to keep up with and process that amount of data (yet). The best of the best can currently monitor 100-300 conversations (depending on the language, mode of communication and range), scanning for keywords (bomb is hardly noteworthy, usually you'd look for device, gadget, toy, toy soldier). You also have to know that it takes several hundreds of millions of dollars to make these things exist, and their power requirements as well as infrastructure are ENORMOUS. There may be a bunch of these things, but there isn't enough to monitor every single conversation on earth. FCOL, if you know what it took to break simple PGP, you'd realise that the 256 bit encrypted code most digital cellphones use, you'd realise how futile it is to try and monitor a small city's worth of calls.
Examples of cutting edge technology that can't be accessed by people:
- 10 Gigapixel cameras (useful in scientific study, the cheapest intermediary between light microscopes and electron Microscopes)
- Light emissive recombinators (used to read even tempested CRT monitor emissions to view what is being shown on the screen), Also useful for studying flash flame propagation in houses.
- Electromotive microfibre mesh used in various military super-skin armour projects. Useful for helping move paralysed individuals, as well as helping to stabilise serious burn victims.
Ceramics and silicone are just the tip of the iceberg for chemicals.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Interesting stuff, however some of it is just plain opinion. I believe what I want to believe, if you know what I mean. For example the shapes are just all over the place like that, i could draw lines between streets and building to form a star big deal.
about the government keeping secrets....its a neccisary evil to keep secrets. what would have happened if we developed the stealth fighter in the open? our enemies would have copied the technology...but since it was kept secret nobody knew and couldn't copy it, same with the atom bomb and many other projects. I like freedom of information as much as everyone else, but I understand that at times, some information needs to be kept away from the general public to help with national security
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
regarding free energy ideas...they dont exist!! no energy is has to come from somewhere...and even with the best solar cell technology of today....if that is what people consider free takes a solar cell over 8 years to collect the amount of energy required to produce that cell...then dont forget that energy is required to make the batteries required to store and use the energy of that cell...also guess what most of that cell along with the batteries is made of...plastic...where does that come from...oil
Supercharged 95 BMW 540i M-Sport
yup, free energy is impossible, its as impossible as a perpetual motion machine. now...very efficient energy sources...thats another story
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Gam, I have been haphazardly been doing my own research on this topic for quite a few years now.
If you want a good piece of reading on the topic pick up, Morals and Dogma written by Albert Pike. He was a long-time leader of Freemasonry (1859-1891), because of this Pike was able to trace the chronological growth and spread of the Mysteries over the face of the earth from ancient Babylon down to the present-day Masonic Order.
It is very interesting to say the least. Check it out.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, thats as good as they are going to feel all day. ~ Dean Martin
hey Graden, I know you were pointing that at Gam, but I'd like to read that too. I've read Holy Blood, Holy Grail, and have moved on to The Messianic Legacy. I've got a few more books that I would like to read, but I'll definitely check that one out as well.
Desert Tuners
“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”
Sublime: 8 Years? I think that's a bit high... maybe on the outside 2. The original was created in the space of 3 years, and those that follow aren't really all that much more refined, and they're mostly assembled by hand.
On top of that, you also have to know that once that amount has been met and even doubled, the rest is quite literally free energy. Same thing with wind generators...
The thing is that much of the manufacturing process is inefficient with wasted energy, time... etc... if that were refined and made more streamlined, you'd see that energy return defecit drop like a stone.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
The reputable "free energy" guys do not pretend it is free. They claim that the energy is in the air (magnetic fields, ZPE etc) and that they are tapping it. "Like putting a wheel into a stream" it's not "free" per say, but you don't have to pay for it.
There is a wheel in France that has no input that has been running for years. Some claim it's perpetual, some say it will stop eventually. Neet setup, look it up.. It's huge, and I see so many loses when I look at it, but the fact is, it's still running.
Hahaha: There is a similar wheel in... Ireland I believe? possibly Wales. Anyway, It is 99.99% efficient. Not completely perpetual, but pretty close. Apparently, a person turning it at something like .5 RPM will make it turn for over two months. The numbers aren't exact, but it's somewhere in that ballpark.
"i promise we won't get drunk, and go out in boat in the dark, stand up in the boat and fire the gun into the air unless we have life jackets on."
GAM... Realizing that it's a yucky topic.. Durring WWII crusifixions were carried out buy the Nazi "Angel of Death" Dr.... Umm.. That guy..
Anyway, they found that the destention (expanded) chest caused by the weight hanging from extented wrists lead to death in 3 to 6 hours depending on the health of the individual. Even in the Bible it says that Christ died in about 6 hours. The person would pass out in a few minutes from lack of oxygen (or high CO2 levels) and the body would fight to survive. The nailing of the feet prolonged the ordeal by offering some support below that the body could use in it's death throws to attempt to get air. The whole thing is rather gruesome, but the death did come by asphixiation as you suggest, but much faster. That is provided the weight was on the arms and the arms were outstretched about the head. They do not really have to be outward, straight up works as well, just not as effectively.
If I remember correctly the first crusifixion was given to a man who had raped and murdered the Caesar's sister.. I think it was Nero, but I'm not sure. At any rate, that was considered a punishment as vile as the crime.
Has anyone looked into Colonel Tom Bearden's work on ZPE? Pretty cool stuff if he's telling the truth.
but a perpetually spinning wheel does nothing to help produce energy....obviously as soon as you hook up any sort of generator to those wheels they would stop very quickly
Supercharged 95 BMW 540i M-Sport
My book suggestion wasent just directed to Gam, anyone who is interested in this topic should pick it up. Here's a link to order it online, a reprint... of course. The one I have has the black cover with red print, 770 pages. I believe the original was well over 800 pages. Not a bad price through amazon, $31.65.
kessinger publishing
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, thats as good as they are going to feel all day. ~ Dean Martin
cold fusion damn it.
just read a sweet article on it, and that there has been a loyal group of scientists keeping the hopes of cold fusion alive.
and they are abotu to start more work on it at MIT very soon.
now THAT would be awesome.
Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::
The wheel in France is not perpetual, it's ultra high efficiency. The problem with "perpetual motion" machines is that it can't be used to create power... Follow the reasoning: if you attach a widget that is of lower efficiency than the generator, it will create a draw on the source. You can't have 100% efficiency, there is entropy everywhere, so thereby, you would need a source of energy that is over 100% efficient in order to allow a drop of efficiency in order keep the perpetual motion going.
Cold Fusion is a great idea, but the amounts of energy required (last I read) to begin the fusion reaction, and sustain it are too high yet. I haven't read about it seriously in the last 10-11 years (that makes me feel SO old just saying that), so I can't rightly say what is happening.
I think you're talking about
Dr. Mengele.
The unsupported body would suffocate when crucified, definitely... your abdomen couldn't force the lungs to cycle air fast enough if the body was suspended. As I remember, Jesus had a small wedged platform to support some of his weight. I may also be wrong, but I think it took him 3 days to die... I haven't read the bible in a long time, but I think that's right. In every picture of the crucifixion Jesus's legs are bent to a degree, and also, I think I remember that the Roman mob would throw rocks, vegitable matter and awful at Jesus while he dragged the crucifix and that he also had his side pierced by the spear of a soldier while he was being crucified. This wouldn't have made matters any better, the area of the wound that I see in most Church crucifix's is in the area of lower lung, which, coincidentally, is near where a drainage opening is incised to allow draining fluid from the lungs in emergencies.
There were cases in the US in the south during the time of slavery where several black men were crucified (albeit without spikes through their hands or wrists, they were bound by the fore-arms and ankles with hemp ropes to the cruciform) but actually lived.. they were found fairly soon after the... ummm... raising... and were removed from the implement. I've also seen extreme religious devotee's take to the cruciform and actually have their congregation nail their hands and feet to the implement in a show of furvor. They spent 2 days or so on the crucifix, and were removed... after much surgery, most have about 80% use of their hands and digits, and can walk to a point. (why people do that is beyond me).
Thanks for the linkage.
I've got other things currently on my plate (and reading through the accompanying items in the Da Vinci Code makes my head hurt..) But I'll bare it in mind.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Hahahaha wrote:
If I remember correctly the first crusifixion was given to a man who had raped and murdered the Caesar's sister.. I think it was Nero, but I'm not sure. At any rate, that was considered a punishment as vile as the crime.
Wouldn't have been Nero
Nero was emperor after Julius was. He's famous for burning down Rome's rich district just so he could build his temple.
Rumor had it that as Rome burned, he was sitting up on another hill watching it and playing his harp. He was crazy as $