Yet people caught with pot in the car loose their lisence and spend a minimum 5 years in prison. What is wrong with this country? Alcohol impares you far more than pot does, nd alcohol causes diseases and alcohol poisoning causes death. Not once in the history of mankind has marijuana been a factor in the death of someone nor has it ever caused and addiction or a disease. If you were walking down the road and a drunk driver hit you and you had some pot in your pocket, the drunk driver would be home that night, you would be in prison once you recovered from your injuries. Isn't that disgusting?
Sorry this was just my pro-cannibis de-criminalization rant for the day!
I love my Alison!
Actually now, they next to crucify you for a dui.
Btw Alcohol > Pot any day of the week.
Well, it wasn't THE cause of death, and the gateway drug theory is BS, its only a gateway drug because its illegal and on the black market, so its around the same people who have other drugs (dealers with more than one product). If marijuana weren't seen as taboo as it is today and legalized and taxed, or at the very least decriminalized, kids would see that other "harder" drugs are worse than this "not as bad and un-addictive" alternative to the hard drugs, like alcohol. People fight tooth and nail to keep pot illegal then go home and drink up and destroy their livers and loose more brain cells because of alcohol than pot would cause them to loose. Plus you never see peole who have just smoked pot beat their families and get violent and start fights, their always laid back and calm. I've been around peole who've smoked pot all my life, never seen them get violent, never seen them do any other drug, not even smoke cigarettes or drink, they were never violent or even moody, and they've never had any health problems or concerns. I've smoked a few times, never did any other drug, never smoked a cigarette, I don't have any health problems, and I don't feel the "need" to smoke more, neithe do the people I know who have smoked most of their lives, they can go any amount of time without smoking and be perfectly fine, no change whatsoever. So people can post whatever they think and believe about marijuana, they're the ones who have been lied to by their oh so great government and all those officer friendlies and teachers. When it finally is legalized people won't even know how to react to the fact that they have been lied to their whole lives and that its not this "monster of society" that it is all hyped up to be. Plus think of the revenue it could create for the country! Instead of wasting $7.5-11 billion a year of MY hard earned tax dollars to enforce marijuana prohibition laws, use that money to go after actual criminals, like child molesters and murderers, who arent punished as bad as marijuana prohibition offenders.
I love my Alison!
Not once in the history of mankind has marijuana been a factor in the death of someone nor has it ever caused and addiction or a disease.
man, if you think that's true, it sounds more like you're smokin crack.
92sunbirdse wrote:Yet people caught with pot in the car loose their lisence and spend a minimum 5 years in prison. What is wrong with this country? Alcohol impares you far more than pot does, nd alcohol causes diseases and alcohol poisoning causes death. Not once in the history of mankind has marijuana been a factor in the death of someone nor has it ever caused and addiction or a disease. If you were walking down the road and a drunk driver hit you and you had some pot in your pocket, the drunk driver would be home that night, you would be in prison once you recovered from your injuries. Isn't that disgusting?
Sorry this was just my pro-cannibis de-criminalization rant for the day!
Ummmm don't know whwere your info is coming from...but getting busted with weed in your car is not a 5 year offense...WTF dude. There's possession charges that are just misdemeanors. Don't get all bent out of shape because your an advocate, I enjoy the herb just as much as the next person...but im not gonna go get all in a snit over it. Calm down chief.
BTW..I think is is going to turn out to be more War Forum material
im a @!#$ pussy ass liar! i lied to my girlfriend over and over, sat around with her friends naked and stayed home downloading porn...she loved me and i hurt her...i deserve to be alone and wonder every girl i try to love leaves me...i suck.
Marijuana has impaired judgements and response time and in turn caused deaths of people. While not having a physical addiction property, people can develop a mental addiction to it. Also, any disease of the mouth can be spread by smoking a joint or glass or bong after someone with that disease.
I'm by no means anti-pot.
But, if you're going to try and represent people on the .org and in society that do smoke pot, get your @!#$ in line and don't be ignorant.
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What I meant was that no one has ever smoked and died from just smoking pot, like hit the bowl and keel over dead, because its not deadly. You cant smoke so much that you die. You can drink alcohol until you die, you can shoot heroin until you die, you can even smoke cigarettes until a few years later you get lung cancer or emphezyma and die, you cant just smoke a few times and die. It's IMPOSSIBLE to OD on marijuana, you just cannot do it.
I love my Alison!
Not once in the history of mankind has marijuana been a factor in the death of someone nor has it ever caused and addiction or a disease.
If you don't think people can become addicted to pot, I invite you to meet about half of my adult family (uncles, aunts). If you don't think anybody has died I invite you to talk to my cousin, who's father died as a result of being under the "influence" and on a motorcycle. My cousin was 5 years old at the time, she never got to know her father. - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
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You actually can smoke so much that you get sick, throw up and drown in your own vomit in your sleep. It is NOT impossible. I'm not even going to bring up allergic reactions.
Please, quit posting, you're making yourself and other people that occasionally smoke pot look bad.
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I will agree with Shifted. I smoked in college but not anymore but I am still pro weed but it is not all good. I have heard the "no one has ever died" many times but where is the source for this? The no addiction is
true it is not physically addictive but if you can be addicted to an activity like gambling pot can be addictive too, this does not mean it will happen to everybody, booze is addictive yet many people drink and never become addicted, I have know a few people that decided on their own to quit and were back on it in a day or so. Smoking anything is just plain not good for your lungs you know that black crap in your bong well some of it ends up in your lungs and I doubt they like it. Even if weed isn't as bad as booze behind the wheel neither should be used while driving.
I still think it should be legal the costs of the "war" is just to high. A criminal record for weed is just stupid. The potential revenue from the taxes would be great. I don't really see it ever getting fully legalised, too much potential for cigarette style law suits, but decriminalisation would be a good alternative still not allowed to have it but if you get caught it's about as serious as a parking ticket and you dramatically scale down the "war".
Shifted (KickAzz) wrote:Quote:
Not once in the history of mankind has marijuana been a factor in the death of someone nor has it ever caused and addiction or a disease.
If you don't think people can become addicted to pot, I invite you to meet about half of my adult family (uncles, aunts). If you don't think anybody has died I invite you to talk to my cousin, who's father died as a result of being under the "influence" and on a motorcycle. My cousin was 5 years old at the time, she never got to know her father.
I feel sorry for your cousin, but I'm going to say one more thing and I'm done advocating.
The pot didn't kill him, the accident did. Thats why if it is ever legalized it should be marketed to "responsible adults" like alcohol is, adults who WONT drive under the influence.
I love my Alison!
Good point. But I must say that it should be treated as alcohol, market it to responsible adults who will not knowingly operate vehicles under the influence, be it pot, alcohol, or other mind altering and response time hindering substances. You get what I'm saying?
I love my Alison!
Then we should go back to alcohol prohibition, since the same things happen while drinking and driving, sometimes worse things happen, and on a greater scale. I can't count the number of times accidents related to drunk driving are put on TV and in the paper. If so many people feel the way you do about pot and driving, then the government should ban alcohol again. It's sort of a double standard, if you ask me. Instead of giving one more thing thats legal to cause accidents and kill, lets take one of the legal things away, and see how people react to THAT. Prohibition of alcohol for one day in this country would bankrupt buisinesses (alcohol distributers, bars, clubs), destroy the lives of users (just about everybody), and cause a black market so big that everybody in the country would have criminal records and the courts would be clogged.
I love my Alison!
Yup, I agree. Alcohol is a staple, but I would be extremely happy with the approach that Russia takes to drunk drivers. Look it up once. I bet if that were enacted, drunk driving and alcoholic deaths due to accidents would next to disappear.
BTW.... your sig is way too big. - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
Buy stuff from CarCustoms Ebay! Won't be disappointed!
We SHOULD enforce those kind of laws, keep people like mikeylikey off the streets (reason for me posting). I don't see HOW he got off that easy with what he did.
I love my Alison!
92sunbirdse wrote:Yet people caught with pot in the car loose their lisence and spend a minimum 5 years in prison.
where do you come up with this crap? seriously you believe that statement? first of all its not true, my buddy got caught, they put a possesion of drugs on his criminal record and 2 years probation. He got caught a second time for the same thing, he got a lawyer and got off the charge because the weed was behind the driver, in court they can can not prove that the driver of the car was aware that it was n the car unless its in front og the driver within sight/reach. you want to hide it cram in inthe rear seat and blame it on a friend must have droped it, it worked for him on his second offense, he was never arrested, no jail tell (where the hell did you come up with a minimum 5 years), and still has his lisence. After geting caught twice he has it on his record for 2 years along with probation for 2 years, if your onna rant at least get th facts first.... by the way I don't knwo if you live in canada or nazi germany or whatever but things aren't like that anywere I've heard of
holy misinformation batman!!!!!
In some states people are in for life over weed, look it up on under the arrests section.
I love my Alison!
wern't they talking about in chiacgo changing the punishment for small possesion charges to just issuing a $75 ticket? i remember hearing it on the radio a few weeks (maybe a month or two) back.
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You cant smoke so much that you die.
Yes.. You can. In asthmatics, the heavy and tarry smoke causes the brochioles to inflame to the point that a person develops a whooping cough to the point that they pass out.. keep them in a room with some smoke lingering, and the windpipe closes off.
This is not uncommon, and it happens with cigarette smoke.
Personally, I think that the legalisation and taxation of marijuana is a GOOD idea, but understand that the Gateway drug theory DOES in fact hold true, because while not everyone that smokes pot goes on to harder drugs, people that go into harder drugs usually don't start on those.
Also, Understand that Marijuana has an opiating effect, thereby decreasing mental ability, reaction time and in most cases even visual acuity. This is the reason that Police in european countries have a breathaliser that tests for inhalant intoxication as well as alcohol.
You drive drunk, you lose your license.
You drive stoned, you lose your license.
Driving ain't a right, it's a priveledge. If people started to realise that you'd have a lot less @!#$s on the strip every day.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
wheres mikeylikey for this subject??