It's come to my attention that there are a lot of people that feel that religion will solve everything, and that there is nothing, I REPEAT NOTHING that God, Gods, ants/blueskinned women with 6 arms/dude with an elephant head/etc, or Fiction writers hasn't made a plan for.
Well, I hate to say it, but there is just WAY TOO much of this peace-loving religious war sh*t happening.
I'm starting my own church:
Here's the basic dogma of the church:
- We're all ass holes, probably living like ass holes, and more than likely most of us will die like ass holes.
- Those of us that are going to have to die will probably never learn what incredible ass holes we are
- Those of us that are going to live forever will probably never learn that they're eternally ass holes.
- Thus, maybe instead of being ass holes to each other, we try and be nice to each other at least once a day.
- Don't stress that you're not being an ass hole to the right or wrong person, but that by NOT being an ass hole, you'll make someone else's day a little better and maybe they'll reciprocate to others.
- Don't force your ass hole ideas on other people, that's rude.
- Don't turn away those ass holes that are interested in learning about your religion, calisthenics, electro-boxes or dried up jasmine petals.
- Don't hate people because they're a different religion, hate them for what they do, because you're an ass hole too.
I ask that you send me ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY... EVER!!! Only a complete ASS HOLE would want you to send them your money for telling you something that you can read for free, or just do.
I ask that you worship whatever God, Gods, Animals, Plants, or Fiction Writers you please.... DON'T CHANGE A DAMN THING ABOUT YOUR RELIGIOUS IDEALS, only change your ass hole actions once in a while.
The WWCoW has only one phrase because a book is annoying to have to lug around:
"Try and not be an ass hole today."
Okay.. there's a shorter one:
"Be good for once."
Meetings are whenever you want to attend, in my living room, but if it's after 10:00 pm EST, you're being an ass hole, and I may be an ass hole back and not let you in, but if you're lucky, I'll decide to do my good turn for the day and let you in for a bit so you can get whatever it is off your chest. If I'm not home, you can wait.
I'm not giving you a prayer line, no donation line (no money transfers hands here), no books to read, no junk to buy, no other crap to do, except: Don't be an ass hole at least once a day.
Let's see if we can get this thing going.
No, this is NOT A JOKE.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, July 23, 2006 6:21 PM
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.