I'm looking for some seat covers for a Cobalt. Hopefully somebody
has already got some & had a good experience with them. If so, I'm
hoping you can tell me where you got them & how much? Thanks!
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katskinz would most likely be the best place
i havent heard of any being out yet though
i bought some ones for regular bucket seats and cut a small slit in the side to allow for the seatbelt guide. they work great. nothing fancy but it looks decent and not really something that stands out
all seat covers are unversal basicly, and all feel esentiallys the same. best place I recommend to go is your local performance shop. And if you really want something to last and you know will stik with it for a long time, I recommend getting sparco racing seats. The only problem with thenm is that tey are expensive sepecillay the stitched ones, but they don't come with brackets and track bars. if you have ay other questions, feel free to contact me.
I've ordered some from Seatcovers.net for my G5. Touted as custom (what I opted for), we'll see if they get all the openings right. I'll let you know how they work out.